Queer Health FAQs


Why podcast?

There are over 100+ queer-focused podcasts. Few of these deal with health. QHP, to our knowledge, will be the first exclusively dedicated to telling patient stories in context of provider expertise. This accessible and engaging media form is primed to convey the stories and information to meet our mission.


What is our format?

Each episode will be roughly half an hour, starting with an individual’s story and the medical questions it raises. Using expert interviews we will weave a narrative that answers these questions in context of what science and clinical research knows. In addition to the audio for each episode, we will also post a written summary and full text transcript of our episodes on our website.


Why listen?

The goal is to give listeners useful health information; provide a vocabulary to use during your queer health care experiences; highlight clinical best practices, new queer health research, and policies that impact queer health; and raise consciousness for the ways that queer health advocacy is a community effort.


Who are our listeners?

Anyone who wants to learn more about queer health. We think this means primarily folks who have heard “this or that” about queer health but are looking to learn more for themselves and their community.


What is queer health?

When it comes to medical care, its not always a pride parade for queer individuals.  Queer health encompasses the range of issues that impact how queer individuals interact with healthcare, from the paperwork at the doctor to insurance access and all the details in between. Research has documented that health care isn’t the same for members of the queer community, and what matters to that matters to queer health.


What do you mean by queer?

QHP proudly claims the label queer to denote a difference in sexual orientation and/or gender identity from the norm. We use queer as an umbrella term. Under the umbrella are sexual and gender minorities, including but no tlimited to the following labels: lesbian, gay, bisexual, same-gender loving, transgender, gender queer, gender non-binary, gender non conforming, intersex, two-spirit queer and so many more!